CSF took 10 students to Evansville, Indiana for our annual National Student Conference. Our campus ministry association, ACM, always puts on an awesome conference with quality speakers, incredible times of corporate worship, great workshops, and lots of fun random stuff to do as a community. This year, Marc Imboden was our worship leader and speaker for main sessions: His heart for God and ministry experience made for some great main sessions. In addition to this, we had a chance to sit under some great teaching in our workshops. Roger Songer, seasoned veteran of the ACM taught a GREAT workshop on Knowing God's Will. More than several of our students were processing all the great nuggets of truth that came out of this workshop! Our team also had a great time growing closer together through laser tag, late night Denny's runs, fro yo and a low ropes exercise hosted by one of our favorite missions organizations: New Mission Systems International. Here's a picture that I think captures pretty well just how epic the exercise was: We were super thankful that Casey is a cheerleader and could guide us through holding her that high in the air!! :)
We're so grateful for all the prayer for this trip. God worked in some incredible ways, prompting all of us to greater levels of obedience to His will. I can't wait to see how these changes in our hearts will impact our mission to help students find their way back to God as we head into the school year. -David CSF Staff Comments are closed.